>> Great Concept: Discover The CasaBubble
Enough of neglecting our beloved BLOG: We're back! Make nature YOUR living room.. Spend a night under the stars.. Be 'within and without' just like Toby Maguire in 'The Great Gatsby'. :) Ever since we have found out about its existence, we are big fans of the CasaBubble. What it is, is basically a tent in form of a bubble, but made out of transparent material in a round shape. This is how we would describe it.
Envisioned by French designers Frédéric Richard and Pierre-Stéphane Dumas, they share the following information on their website: 'A virtually roofless Bubble is inflated by a special turbine
which keeps it in shape, renews the air and eliminates pollen, humidity
and condensation problems. Inside, the air is fresh and filtered, there are no mosquitoes and the acoustics are particularly soothing.'
Say no more, we are sold on it already! The CasaBubbles come in different shapes and sizes and can be interconnected with each other. The creators of the new Nr.1 spot holder on our personal wishlist, say it is easy to set up the Bubble in a short time, to create a cozy and comfy place just for you. Of course you can also let your family in, since there is enough space. More infos HERE!
(all photos © CasaBubble.com)
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